Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Balancing it out

I went down a little his week. Only .2 pounds but I'll take it! After a lot of stress and an Oktoberfest dinner I still managed to go down! I think this has to do with taking walks almost every night and adding more activity over the weekend. I really lean on exercise to erase some of my eating mistakes and I use my dog as an excuse to get out. Happy about the loss, but this week I hope to improve on my tracking! Even though I had a small loss I felt a lack of control since I was so stressed out. I did not track much at all and that makes me feel even less control. So this week I will track every day during the week and at least the first meal for each day of the weekend. I will also focus on 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables a day! The 5 servings a day keeps me focused on eating right! Next week I hope to see a pound loss.

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